What is the financial goal of the Believe and Build Campaign?
Our 2024 pledge drive goal is to raise between $11.2M and $13.2M, a total of $24M. We have $15.8M in fulfilled pledges due to contributions from pledge drives in 2017, 2019, and 2024.
Will the Diocese contribute money to build the church?
The Diocese will provide a loan if we need it. The goal is to avoid or minimize this loan. The benefit of this offer is that we can construct the church.
When is construction expected to begin? What is the duration of the construction?
If pledges are strong, construction will begin in the spring of 2025, and the expected time is approximately two years.
Are there opportunities for my family to be recognized for our donation?
Yes! All families donating $5,000 and above will be recognized on a donor wall. There will also be added recognition opportunities for families contributing at higher levels. The details are not yet complete, but they will be released soon.
How many will the new Church seat?
The church will seat approximately 1,000 people. Our current hall seats about 750 people.
Why are we building a new church when the current building is very nice?
The building where we currently celebrate Mass is a hall. The master plan for our parish is to build the church.
What will happen to our current facilities?
During construction, all current facilities will remain in use. Once the church is complete, the hall will become available for parish activities, including receptions, meetings, religious education classes, and much more.
Will my pledge go directly to the construction of the church?
Yes, all funds raised are deposited into a restricted Diocesan account that can only be used for our church construction.
Should I pledge to the new campaign if I have a previous pledge?
If you haven’t finished your previous pledge (Believe and Grow Together, Believe and Grow Together-Phase 2), please do so first. Once that pledge is completed, please consider pledging to the Believe and Build campaign.
If I made previous pledges in 2017 and 2019, including one to Believe and Build this year, will I be recognized for the cumulative amount of those commitments?
Yes, both previous campaigns were for the construction of our permanent church. You will have recognition opportunities at the level of the total of all donations made for the church structure. Pledges toward the Believe campaign, which built our current parish campus but did not include the church structure, will be recognized separately. A donor wall for the Believe campaign is currently being designed.
Why build a new church?
- We primarily build to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ of the Holy Eucharist.
As a growing parish needing to develop more engaging ministries, we need more facility space to hold many gatherings. The current church hall where we worship was not meant to be our primary worship space. After we build the church, we hope to install movable partitions in the hall to create more rooms when needed.
- We build to maintain our rich Catholic heritage and its continuity with our sacred tradition.
- We need more seating space for our main Sunday Masses.
I have other questions: who can I contact?
Glenda Mortenson
Capital Campaign Administrative Assistant
(949) 551-8601 ext. 202