Founding Pastor, Fr. John Janze, starts the "Believe and Grow Together” campaign to build the centerpiece of our parish, the permanent church. An earlier campaign called "Believe” resulted in the construction of our current campus.


The *Believe and Grow Together* campaign raises $6,300,000 from 976 families.


A second pledge drive raises another $1,300,000 and adds 424 new families.


Fr. Eugene Lee arrives as pastor and evaluates the plans for a new church.


Fr. John Janze, who served the parish for 25 years, enters eternal life.


Working with key advisors and professionals in architecture, liturgical design, construction, and fundraising, a new plan for the permanent church is developed.


Believe and Build campaign launches.


We are blessed with a talented campaign team. Parish Leaders have helped with this campaign for many years. Fr. John Janze and now Fr. Eugene Lee have been instrumental in the success of this multi-year goal to build one of the last churches in the Diocese of Orange.

Believe and Build Campaign Team

  • Fr. Eugene J. Lee


  • Lisa VanDorpe

    Capital Campaign Chairperson

  • Dr. Huan Le

    Believe and Build Chairperson

  • Mernie Empalmado

    Believe and Build Chairperson

  • Annette Symons


  • Jeff Flocken


  • Rob Bridenbecker


  • Tim Leyden


  • Tom VanDorpe


STM Staff Members

Glenda Mortenson Capital Campaign Assistant

Campaign Consultants

Emily Sottile EverGreene Architectual Arts

Jeremy Hart LPA Design Studios

Steve Bird AmPhil

We acknowledge and thank our Legacy Campaign Committees

Believe and Grow Together Campaign Committee Members 2017

Pierre and Denyse Gagnon General Chairs

Steve and Susan Mc Arthur General Chairs

Javier and Melissa Mier General Chairs

Tom and Lisa Van Dorpe General Chairs

Pete and Diane Grange Honorary / Advisory Chairs

Tom and Connie Mazlin Honorary / Advisory Chairs

Terry and Kathy Mc Gaughan Honorary / Advisory Chairs

Keith and Meredith Rattay Honorary / Advisory Chairs

Rand and Rosemary Sperry Honorary / Advisory Chairs

Josh and Wendi Baker Campaign Cabinet

Bill and Leni D’Andrea Campaign Cabinet

Paul and Mei Fan Campaign Cabinet

Don and Loy Gibson Campaign Cabinet

Dr. Nathan and Tina Le Campaign Cabinet

Dr. Huan and Kim Le Campaign Cabinet

Tom Nash Campaign Cabinet

Vinh Nguyen Campaign Cabinet

Dcn. Tony and Mary Patronite Campaign Cabinet

Paul Pulver Campaign Cabinet

Francisco and Patty Trujillo Campaign Cabinet

Mark Kreyche Stewardship Director

Steier Group Development Counsel

Phase 2 Campaign Committee Members 2019

Frank Ornelas Campaign Advisor

Terry McGaughan Campaign Advisor

Dr. Nathan Le Campaign Advisor

Loy Gibson Campaign Advisor

Catherine Spear Campaign Advisor

Jean Navarro Campaign Advisor

Steve McArthur Campaign Advisor