Together we will believe and build a house to glorify the Lord. It will be a sacred place for Him to reside in the precious gift of the Holy Eucharist.

The new church will be both beautiful and achievable. With a cruciform configuration, the 15,000 sq. ft. building will reflect the body of Christ, with the tabernacle and altar as the main focal point.

The exterior finishes will match the Tuscan style of our current campus. With landscaping that invites prayerful reflection on the site, the church will be prominent, featuring a 60 ft. tower facing the intersection of Marketplace and Irvine Blvd. Additionally, a prayer garden and a family meadow/ event lawn will round out our campus.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Like all of you, I absolutely love our Lord Jesus Christ. I love Him with all my heart, soul, and mind. So, let’s build to honor Jesus, to glorify Jesus, to proclaim Jesus. As David and Solomon were sincere in their desire to build a temple that was worthy of the true dwelling of God among us, we, the Catholic people, long to house the precious Eucharist in a palace that honors our Lord as King, Savior, and God.

I struggle to properly express how grateful and indebted we need to be to the many parishioners who believed in this campaign from the very beginning back in 2017. Our community will soon be rewarded for its generosity, sacrifice, and patience.

Thanks to the faithfulness of Fr. John Janze and those who have supported the prior campaign efforts, we are in an excellent position to move forward. After much assessment, prayer, and planning, I can assure all of you that our goal to build a new church is absolutely achievable. We have great momentum—a dream team of parishioners and professionals in place and God’s blessings! We can build this church!

But!! This last push in our journey will require some pain! Sacrifice from everyone will be key. This is it. We must dig deep and push hard. Please, prayerfully consider your pledge that will help leave a lasting legacy that we can all be proud of.

May almighty God bless our parish family, your families, and our campaign.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Eugene Lee


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The church will be able to comfortably accommodate close to 1,000 people, and we will be able to utilize the existing parish hall for large gatherings—including additional Masses at Christmas and Easter. We will also be able to divide the space into smaller rooms for ministry meetings and other activities that support our growing and vibrant parish.

The amount we raise collectively will determine the level of detail of the church interior. The images on this site are meant to illustrate the direction of design.


The goal is to break ground on the new church by the winter of 2025. Construction is estimated to take two years.

The church will cost between $22 to $24 million.

Due to the success of our previous campaign efforts, we have over $10 million in our building fund already.

Thanks to the generosity of some of our parishioners, we are already almost halfway to raising the rest of what we need.

The Diocese of Orange has agreed to help this effort by extending a line of credit to close the gap should we need it.

The rest is up to us. Will you join us in this incredible accomplishment of building a House for the Lord? It will be a worthy display of our faith and a legacy for the generations ahead of us.

Help us build for our family, our faith, and our future. Make your pledge today!


Blessed are you, LORD, our father.

Yours LORD, are greatness and might, majesty, victory, and splendor. For all in heaven and on earth is yours; yours, LORD, is kingship; you are exalted as head over all. Riches and glory are from you.

Therefore, our God, we give you thanks and we praise the majesty of your name. For everything is from you, and what we give is what we have from you.
LORD our God, all this wealth that we have brought together to build you a house for your holy name comes from you and is entirely yours.

Your people here give to you generously. Give to us a wholehearted desire to keep your commandments, precepts, and statutes, that we may carry out all these plans and build the palace to honor your glory.


St. Thomas More, pray for us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.

Adapted from David's Prayer to Build the Temple (I Chronicles 29:10-19)